Sunday, December 11, 2011

Taking Loyalty to a Whole New Level

Lao Pan's dog guarding his grave

I just read the most amazing story about devotion and loyalty. In China, a single man by the name of Lao Pan lived alone with his companion - his dog. At the age of 68, Lao Pan passed away, his dog stayed by his side even at his grave. A local Chinese villager discovered the dog safeguarding Pan's grave site. The dog refuses to leave the grave even after going seven days without eating. This story has touched the villager's hearts so much that they decided to build a kennel for the dog beside Pan's grave and bring him food and water everyday.

Leao guarding her owner's grave
This isn't the first time that a dogs have proved their loyalty to their owners. Over time and time again, we are consistently reminded of how loyal dogs truly are to their owners. Earlier this year, a similar story took place in Brazil. A dog named Leao was seen sitting beside his owner Cristina Maria Cesario Santana's grave after she was killed during a Mudslide in Brazil in January. The dog was discovered by a local and the villagers have since been providing food and water for it.

Being a dog lover, this doesn't surprise me at all. Dogs have always been an important part of life throughout time, this is proven in many ancient artifacts such as the Ancient Egyptian scriptures, drawings and even statues. Personally, I can't imagine my life without my dog, a dog is the most faithful and loyal friend that you will ever have.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself"  - Josh Billings

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