Thursday, November 24, 2011

Diversity is Beautiful

Toronto is known for its cultural mosaic, this is what makes Toronto so different and unique from  other cities. We accept and embrace all cultures and religions. When hate crimes happens in Toronto or the GTA, it immediately attracts attention, because as Canadians we don't believe in hate. Inas Kadri experienced a hate crime first hand. Kadri is a Muslim women who wears a niqab (completely veiled but her eyes are visible).While in a mall shopping with her two young children, she was approached by a woman by the name of Rosemary Cresswell who had a brief confrontation with her before pulling Kadri's niqab off of her face. According to Kadri, Cresswell was saying "leave our country, go back to your country!" The confrontation was captured on video and Cresswell has pleaded guilty after the tape of the attack was shown in court.

Naturally, this comes as a surprise for most Canadians because as Canadians, we accept all beliefs and embrace diversity. So, why did this happen? It is mainly ignorance, what does it matter if her face is covered or not? She is human nonetheless and should be treated as such. Discrimination has no place in Canada and what truly defines a Canadian is the fact that we are open minded and welcome cultures and traditions around the world. If we all took time out of our day to understand the different religions, or the different cultures that surround our cities, it would make a huge difference to everyone, because now we can understand and even celebrate people's beliefs. People have to understand that the white man is no longer the majority, the majority is now diversity and no one should be judged based on the color of their skin or their personal beliefs. If you choose to judge someone, judge the quality of their heart because that is what defines them and that's what matters most.
Personally, do I care if you are White, or Black, or Asian, or if you wear a Turban or a Hijab? No, because I am not one to judge, we are all God's children regardless of which God we believe in. And as such, we should all be treated equally and respectfully. Regardless of your race, of your heritage, of your beliefs or traditions, you are my brother or my sister, you are me and I am you - we are equal, we are one. Even if you look different from me- it is your right to be different. Lets embrace each others differences, because diversity truly is beautiful. There no place for hate only love.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 


  1. Thanks for sharing Dina! Well done!

  2. I sincerely hope this is an isolated incident, because I take great pride in being Canadian for their open-mindedness and diversity, especially in Toronto, and seeing ignorance like this truly hurts. I'm glad we haven't reached the level of inhumanity to allow crimes like this to go unpunished.
    And I'd like to add that this blog is very well written =)
