Thursday, March 10, 2011

Food Worth Dying For

I recently came upon this video that I simply had to share with everyone. The Heart Attack Grill is one of the most unhealthy food establishments I have ever heard of. This establishment is a hospital theme restaurant that refer to their waitresses as "nurses", take orders "prescriptions" from the customers "patients" A tag is placed on the patient's wrist showing their orders. The manager, known as "Dr. Jon", examines each patient with a stethoscope before and after their meal.
The menu consists of four types of cheese burgers; "Single," "Double," "Triple" and "Quadruple Bypass hamburger (named after the Heart Bypass Surgery). These burgers range anywhere from 0.5 to 2 lb of beef (up to 8000 calories) and all you can eat fries.
To make matters worst, they do not have any diet beverages and their French Fries are deep fried in 100% lard. The hamburger buns are also toasted with a lard spread. They have no lettuce in their hamburgers because lettuce is considered healthy. Their milkshakes consist of milk, chocolate and butter.
If you are able to eat an entire Triple Bypass or Quadruple Bypass, you get a final check up by the Doctor and then transported from your seat to your car seat in a wheelchair by one of the nurses.

Perhaps the most astonishing thing about this restaurant is the fact that the owner of The Heart Attack Grill  was originally a nutritionist! Another shocking fact is that customers over 350 lb (160 kg) can eat for free and have unlimited burgers as long as they can prove their weight by weighing themselves with a "doctor" or "nurse" before each burger.

I wasn't too sure of what to think when I saw this video, I was speechless and shocked at the amount of success this restaurant has. Looking at the burger, it doesn't even look appetizing - it just looks absolutely disgusting. The message alone that this restaurant sends out encourages people to live an extremely unhealthy lifestyle and to live for the moment that really and truly won't last. According to Jon Basso (owner of the establishment) you only live once so you should live each day at a time. I agree with this statement to some extent. I agree that we should live each day like it's your last try new things and new adventures, live for the moment. However, I do not encourage 'living for the moment' when it becomes a risk for your health. No matter how amazing the food is, the taste is only temporary,the calories will last. It is a matter of smart thinking, do the things you wish to do but within reason. If you are extremely over weight, you already have several health conditions that you need to take care of. Harming your body further is the last thing you want to do. This is literally food worth dying for, and this was the case for the spokesman of The Heart Attack Grill who died at the age of 29 on March 1, 2011 weighing in at a whopping 575 lb!


  1. As a food ... and especially a burger kind of guy ... I agree with you that this restaurant borders on the ridiculous! and ..if you plan to go out in a blaze of beef and lard glory you MUST be allowed to dress it up - whats with NO condiments and why is lettuce excluded as too healthy but tomato and onion are unhealthy enough to make the list.
    If you watch "Man vs Food" you will see there are many heart attack factories out there - but most have more than 1 item on the menu and healthy options are also available.

  2. Well, I feel like puking just watching this.. and I think if I ever did walk into a place like this I would puke! How can they convince themselves to run a place like this just because they're 'HONEST' about how unhealthy it is??? oh, and if you're fat enough, you get to eat for free, so you would eat more, and die sooner. The 'doctor' and 'nurses' running this place obviously don't eat what they serve otherwise they wouldn't look like that, so how can they so willingly serve their customers a tray of pure junk!?
    Taking a break from healthy once in a while is eating pizza, chips, burgers.. which is already unhealthy but tastes good, so why the need to make it a 1000 times unhealthier and more likely to kill you sooner? A tray of junk is what it is, I wouldn't even consider it food!

  3. Woah! This would make a great FactSnack too! That's so strange that a nutritionist started it! Who would have thought.
