Thursday, November 24, 2011

Diversity is Beautiful

Toronto is known for its cultural mosaic, this is what makes Toronto so different and unique from  other cities. We accept and embrace all cultures and religions. When hate crimes happens in Toronto or the GTA, it immediately attracts attention, because as Canadians we don't believe in hate. Inas Kadri experienced a hate crime first hand. Kadri is a Muslim women who wears a niqab (completely veiled but her eyes are visible).While in a mall shopping with her two young children, she was approached by a woman by the name of Rosemary Cresswell who had a brief confrontation with her before pulling Kadri's niqab off of her face. According to Kadri, Cresswell was saying "leave our country, go back to your country!" The confrontation was captured on video and Cresswell has pleaded guilty after the tape of the attack was shown in court.

Naturally, this comes as a surprise for most Canadians because as Canadians, we accept all beliefs and embrace diversity. So, why did this happen? It is mainly ignorance, what does it matter if her face is covered or not? She is human nonetheless and should be treated as such. Discrimination has no place in Canada and what truly defines a Canadian is the fact that we are open minded and welcome cultures and traditions around the world. If we all took time out of our day to understand the different religions, or the different cultures that surround our cities, it would make a huge difference to everyone, because now we can understand and even celebrate people's beliefs. People have to understand that the white man is no longer the majority, the majority is now diversity and no one should be judged based on the color of their skin or their personal beliefs. If you choose to judge someone, judge the quality of their heart because that is what defines them and that's what matters most.
Personally, do I care if you are White, or Black, or Asian, or if you wear a Turban or a Hijab? No, because I am not one to judge, we are all God's children regardless of which God we believe in. And as such, we should all be treated equally and respectfully. Regardless of your race, of your heritage, of your beliefs or traditions, you are my brother or my sister, you are me and I am you - we are equal, we are one. Even if you look different from me- it is your right to be different. Lets embrace each others differences, because diversity truly is beautiful. There no place for hate only love.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Egypt: The Rebirth of a Great Nation.

Revolution 2.0 has officially begun and we will not settle for less than we deserve. Back in the January 25, 2011 revolution, after Mubarak's resignation, the military took over and Egyptians had found some sort of peace in knowing that we will be taken care of. However, when our demands and our rights and dreams have been turned away the people of Egypt decided to go back to Tahrir and voice their opinions. What happened next was unbelievable, the military sided against the civilians and used violence and brutality to resolve the long standing conflict.
As a citizen, the state should protect you. The state should take care of you and protect you. As a citizen I should be comfortable in my home and I should trust my country and my government to support me when I need them. What a shame it is that Egyptians don't feel at home in their own home. Decade after decade we have been lied to, we have been told the government has our best interest at heart when the reality of it is that the government doesn't give a crap about its civilians and takes every penny right into their own pockets. The people have lost all respect for the government and the military. Shame, shame, shame! The value of a human is close to nothing in Egypt. It is so easy for the military to kill anyone on the street and what is even more disgusting is that they took some of the lifeless bodies on the streets and dragged them into a corner and dump them one after the other. 1 life gone is 1 life too many, and we won't forget the blood of our martyrs.
SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces) is a bunch of disgusting pigs! Shameful, disgusting pigs who call themselves humans. All we want is our fundamental human rights.. is that too much to ask for?! Here is my prediction, SCAF will continue to fight and continue to kill for no necessary reason, just to make a statement. Now, lets think of the power of the people, it took only 3 weeks for Mubarak to step down after the revolution in January.. it is only a matter of time until all our demands will be met. "The power of the people is stronger than the people in power."  The time has come for our dreams to be heard and our demands to be met. We are courageous and brave and will fight until our last breath. We may lose some lives, we may lose our dignity, but we will never lose our home.

Dear SCAF, this is a kind reminder that we own this country, not you. Thank you.