Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dear 2 Year Old Me...


Right now, you are a big ball of energy. You smile contagiously without a care in the world.
You embrace your perfect smile and chubby cheeks that helps shape your big, round, beautiful face- and have the courage to be different.
You have been told that life is not always what it seems, and that the world can often be a cruel place. You have heard that beyond the four walls of your home lies a life full of challenges and difficulties and you often wonder if it's true.

Your parents have moved you around from one country to the other, leaving you to make new friends and adapt to a new life independently.
During your journey, you will meet bullies, and you will get bullied. You will meet people who will question you. You will meet people who will tell you that you can't do it, and you will meet people who secretly hate you. You will fail and you will cry.

It's okay to be scared baby, but don't you dare let your fear control you. You are an extraordinary girl, you are a smart, strong and beautiful girl. Don't let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want, and "don't you dare even for a second allow yourself to be manipulated by people who are not aware of your greatness."

During your journey, you will fail - many times. The key to failure is to get back up and keep going. Failure is inevitable - nobody is perfect. "Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were." Failure lies within those who are willing to be defeated. "The sound of failure is not heard by people who refuse to give up."

In your future, you will meet people who will tell you that you are not pretty enough, you are not smart enough and that you are not good enough.  You will meet people who will tell you that you are not beautiful, and the closest people to you, will become complete strangers.

Please remember, that to be beautiful means to be yourself.  Your beauty is within you, it is your heart, your character and your attitude that defines your beauty. Believe in the person that you are capable of being and the beauty that you bestow. Please remember that you are smart and that anyone who brings you down is threatened by the greatness that you are. Don't be alarmed by those who belittle you, and those who despise you, those people secretly wish they were you. You are extraordinary.

Don't worry about life, life can be tough and people can be mean. But this is your life baby, this is your story, and you have the ability to change your story. You are your own author. Everything that you do, you are doing for yourself and you don't have to prove anything to anyone. "You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."

Life is short baby, you will have plenty of ups and downs, you will struggle and you will thrive. You will defeat and you will be defeated. Don't take life for granted because "life is more beautiful than you can ever imagine, and so are you". Please remember to be kind because everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be kind, do good and live your life without regrets, after all, no one makes it out of here alive anyways.
"If you work really hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen."
Stay fierce babygirl

Love 24 year old me


  1. This is cute, inspiring, and very touching =)
    Always love yourself !!

  2. Very well written Dina!!!

  3. what an inspiring individual you are! proud to say you are my best friend :) keep it up girly! love you
    you're one and only rinrin ;)

  4. 'no one makes it out of here alive anyways' ...love that quote! Such a wonderful piece! :)
    -V x
