Friday, September 25, 2015

If Egyptian Sayings Were Translated to English

Have you ever met an Egyptian?

They are what I believe to be; the kindest, most generous, and most humble people ever. They smile carelessly, and appreciate all that life has to offer. And above all, they are incredibly faithful.

Egyptians (to me) seem to come up with the most ingenious ideas for any and all situations.

Aside from everyday situations, the Egyptian language on its own is quite an impressive and creative piece of literary work. 

It should come as no surprise to any Egyptian, that our Arabic is a real work of art. Not only because the word choices that we use are so unique, but also because even when we are upset, we use statements that are so well-mannered and sophisticated, one would only assume that we really are a classy bunch.

So to prove my point, let's begin. Here I have combined 12 of the most common Egyptian phrases (in my opinion) that literally make absolutely no sense in English, and probably in any other language, but somehow, make perfect sense to the average Egyptian.

1.  Enta lesanek taweel
English Translation: Your tongue is long
Actual Definition: You are rude

2. Ana 7akhreb betak
English Translation: I will mess up your house
Actual Definition: no actual definition, more of a threat of physical abuse.. I think.

3. e7na akalna 3esh w mal7 sawa
 English Translation: We ate bread and salt together
Actual Definition: We grew up together

4. bint/ibn nas
English Translation: She/he is a daughter/son of humans
Actual Definition: She/he comes from a good home - usually referred to admirers for marital purposes

5. shaklaha zay el ammar
English Translation:She looks like the moon
Actual Definition: She is beautiful

6. 3agbak 3agbak mesh 3agbak eshrab men el ba7r
English Translation: If you like it, then like it, if you don't like it then go and drink sea water
Actual Definition: If you like my plan, great. If you don't like it, too bad. 

7. ana mesh 3arfa rassy men reglaya
English Translation: I don't know my head from my legs
Actual Definition: I am so lost - usually referring to cleaning a mess and not knowing where to begin

8. 7atrou7i ya3ni 7atrou7i w reglek fo2 re2abtek
English Translation: You will go means, you will go, with your head over your neck.
Actual Definition: You will go, no questions asked. 

9. law mesh 3agbak ekhbat rasak fel 7eit
English Translation: If you don't like it, go and ht your head on the wall
Actual Definition: If you don't like it, too bad. 

10. mate2ta3sh 3eishy
English Translation: don't cut my bread
Actual Definition: Don't destroy my source of financial income

11. ya set el kol
English Translation: woman of all
Actual Definition: a strong woman who is capable of anything - not often used, but referred to mothers and wives

12. 7a2ablak fel cafe, ishta?
English Translation: I will meet you at the cafe, full cream?
Actual Definition: I will meet you at the cafe, cool?

But we can't only be credited for our literary work. We have a lot to be proud of. After all, our ancestors did discover wifi;
I challenge anyone to tell me that Egyptians are not an assortment of cool, funny and dramatic put together. Any takers, please step to the comment podium below.

I would just like to point out that Egyptians are a pretty cool bunch, and so are our traffic police.

All jokes aside though, we really do have a lot to be proud of. We may not be where we want to be, but we are a step closer today than we were yesterday. History will rewrite itself and Egypt will prevail once again with pride and dignity.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

26 feelings travelers know all too well.

After my annual 12 hour flight from Dubai to Toronto, I realized that the struggle of long flights is all too real.

I am about to take you through a whirlwind feelings and emotions all airline travelers know to be true. Enjoy your flight!

1. As you board the plane, you have carefully planned your sleeping pattern on the airplane to avoid jet lag when you arrive to your final destination.

2. Once the plane takes off, you search through the entertainment system and find a good movie, and try to find your comfy spot, in high hopes of falling asleep with your high-definition companion.

3. LOL.. comfy spot.

4. You get momentarily agitated as the person seated in front of you reclines their seat backwards, although, you have your seat maximally reclined backwards as well.

5. After a few more attempts of finding comfort in the tiny seating space that you have, you accept the fact that comfort is a nonexistent part of the economy class.

6. You fall asleep for 10 minutes, only to be woken up by the flight attendant, who is offering you your first airline meal. Chicken or beef?

7. After indulging in your bland and somewhat tasteless meal, you try to get comfy once again. Only to realize there is absolutely no possible comfort with a tray filled with trash, taking up roughly 50% of your sitting space.

8. What seems to be decades later, the flight attendant finally comes to take away your tray.

9. Now, time for some shut eye. At this point, the internal plane lights are off, all windows are closed and the majority of the passengers are asleep.

10. You sleep for a good hour or two if you are lucky.

11. Remember that kid that slept as soon as the flight took off? The one who got comfortable after take off, and used his seat and his parent's seats to stretch his body for a good night rest? That kid is awake. Enjoy.

12. Somehow, the majority of the passengers are still asleep, except you, you are awaken by the sound of a bored, confined, well-rested, highly energized child.

13. Falling asleep now becomes a difficult task, that can only be challenged by a rare few.

14. Time to put on another movie to help pass the time by.

15. What seems to be your new permanent residence, has only been an airplane ride of a few hours.

16. The internal airplane lights are now on, and most passengers are starting to awaken, the remaining few will be woken up by the airplane turbulence, that is sure to blend your organs together for a moment.

17. Breakfast is served. Is this scrambled eggs or mashed potato? I have never been more confused in my life, and no amount of salt and pepper can change the way I feel.

16. After the food tray has been taken away, time for a bathroom break. Why is the line to the bathroom so long?

17. You finally reach the front of the bathroom line and you cannot hold it in any longer.Once you enter the bathroom stall, a feeling of freedom and liberation hits you hard.

18. The toilet flush - rumour has it, that if you stand too close to the toilet as it flushes, it can suck in your soul along with your excrement.

19. Only 2 hours left for your flight, you start to feel optimistic. 2 hours, that's roughly equivalent to 1 more movie.

20. The airplane starts to descend, and the seat belt sign is on.

21. You start putting your seat up-right, and pack your belongings, the moment is finally here.

22. You bend down to put your shoes on, but they are no where to be found. After some panic and anxiety, you find one pair under the seat beside you, and the other pair, under the seat across from your neighbor's seat, 2 chairs down. How did it get there?

23. You have finally landed, you take out your carry-on, and you are waiting in line to exit the airplane.

24. The line is similar to what you would see in a crowded buffet, crammed, no space to stand, and everyone breathing your air. Personal space is not something that is common in such line ups.

25. After what seems like forever, the line finally starts to move, and you couldn't be happier to have landed at your destination.

26. We hope you enjoyed your flight, see you again soon, the flight attendant says with a friendly smile on her face; and that smile gets me every time!